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We are experiencing intermittent navigation issues with our website. Some of our navigation options are not appearing correctly. We are working to restore the situation quickly. Thank you for understanding.

PEER Group Inc.

Achieved 44% sales growth in the three years following the launch of the program
Mike Kropp - CEO of PEER Group Inc.
Mike Kropp - CEO of PEER Group Inc.

Entrepreneur challenge

The CEO wanted expert outside advice on his business and help to rekindle growth after sales had plateaued.

BDC expertise

BDC’s Growth Driver Program helped the CEO identify changes for rapid growth. He adopted a new approach to business processes (e.g. MVP analysis prior to launching new development work) and restructured his executive team.


  • 10% profitability growth on compound annual basis.
  • Stronger organizational structure and executive team gave CEO confidence to delegate.
  • CEO benefitted from personalized coaching, learning and networking opportunities.


revenue growth over three years in the program


compound annual growth rate in revenue


increase in head count

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