Finance more inventory to bring your business to a whole new level
Bastien Poulain, founder of 1642

Rigorously controlled manufacturing and pasteurization process guarantees a shelf life of 18 months

About the company

Manufactures and sells high-quality tonics and mixers, proudly created in Quebec

Location: Montreal, Quebec

Industry: Beverage manufacturing

Entrepreneur challenge

To jumpstart its growth, the company initially needed financing for bottle production. The business then required working capital to purchase inventory to meet the needs of a substantial contract with a key client.

BDC expertise

BDC’s financing experts provided working capital loans to help the company accelerate its growth. The client benefited from flexible financing to preserve vital cash flow and continue to invest in the business.


  • Diversified its financing partners
  • Financing protected valuable cash flow
  • Benefited from BDC’s knowledge of the beverage industry
  • Grew the business significantly with new inventory
  • Well-positioned for further growth