Domrex Pharma

Seek out untapped markets for your growing business
Dominique Ferland from Dormex Pharma

A medical supplies company that prides itself on always having a wide selection of products in stock.

About the company

Supplier of syringes, protective equipment and other medical devices.

Location: Saint-Eustache, Quebec

Industry: Healthcare

Entrepreneur challenge

The company increased profits during COVID-19, which allowed it to open a new operations centre and purchase land. Ready to grow its share of the Canadian market and expand internationally, it needed specialized advice to select the best market and prepare for a successful market entry.

BDC expertise

BDC’s experts pinpointed the company’s unique position in the medical sector and proposed a multi-level plan that included a detailed timeline for increasing sales and strategies to identify new markets and sales channels in the U.S. They also drew up a marketing plan for the new endeavour.


  • Launched a 3-year growth roadmap with revenue target
  • Includes plans for a new transactional website, and hiring business development staff with knowledge of the target market and distribution channels
  • Identified key markets in the U.S
  • New product, a blood collection kit, launched

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