Soya Excel

Develop a digital strategy to make the right technology investments for your business
Maude Forté - Owner of Soya Excel

Meets the highest standards of animal nutrition

About the company

Produces and markets soybean meal and soybean oil

Location: Beloeil, Quebec

Industry: Agri-food processing

Entrepreneur challenge

The company was looking to develop a digital strategy to help the business make better decisions when it came to projects and investments to boost productivity, profitability and sales. A top priority was choosing the right ERP vendor and system that was lightweight, flexible and easy to operate without a large internal IT team.

BDC expertise

BDC’s digital planning experts helped the firm develop a clear roadmap to select and implement the right technologies. BDC then provided impartial guidance on choosing the right ERP solution, including establishing functional requirements, preparing a formal RFP, evaluating and scoring vendor proposals, and negotiating the final contract.


  • Now has a digital strategy to take the company forward on its growth trajectory
  • Saved valuable time and internal resources choosing its ERP solution
  • Selected a system customized to its business needs and that supports company-wide processes
  • Minimized risk in a substantial investment

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