Colour palette

Various colours are available to be used on the web. Each colour name can be used as a class, with a prefix, to determine the property that will use the colour.

.c-* will change the css property "color"

.bg-* will change the css property "background-color"

.border-* will change the css property "border-color"

Neutral light theme

#ffffffneutral (Grey scale colour 7)
# e6e6e6Hover
#f7f6f6neutral-light (website background)

Neutral dark theme

#1f384bneutral-alternate (Primary 1)Great Lakes Blue
# 3a5870neutral-alternate-medium
# 627280neutral-alternate-light (Grey scale colour 3)

Coloured light theme

#4bc5e2accent-light (Secondary 5)
#00bfb3accent-medium (Secondary 2)
# f08a3aalternate-accent-light (Secondary 3)

Coloured dark theme

#a8162calternate-accent (Primary 3)Deep maple
#d82c26alternate-accent-medium (Primary 2)Orchard red
#0072ceaccent (Secondary 1)

Other colours

#fff076alternate-accent-subtle (Secondary 4)
# e0dfdeneutral-medium (Grey scale colour 1)
# c9c7c5neutral-alternate-subtle(replaces #bfbebd Grey scale colour 2)
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