Incertitude commerciale: Explorez les ressources et des outils pour votre entreprise.

Incertitude commerciale: Explorez les ressources et des outils pour votre entreprise.

Notre équipe

Nos spécialistes en finance travaillent auprès des propriétaires d’entreprise jour après jour. Elles et ils se servent de leur expérience, de leur expertise du marché et de leurs connaissances pour aider chaque cliente ou client à trouver la solution de croissance ou de transition qui convient à son entreprise.

Louis David Julien
Louis-David Julien


Voir le profil
Robert Duffy - Vice president, growth and transition capital at BDC
Robert Duffy

Vice-président et leader

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Matthew Kellow - Vice president, growth and transition capital at BDC
Matthew Kellow


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Louise Langevin - Vice president, growth and transition capital at BDC
Louise Langevin


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default businessman illustration
Imran Malik

Vice-président adjoint

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Robert Morais - Assistant vice president, portal management, growth and transition capital at
Robert Morais

Vice-président adjoint

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Marie Salama, Vice President, Assistant Vice President, Portfolio Management
Marie Salama

Vice-présidente adjointe

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Matt Price
Matt Price

Directeur général

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Nicholas Drake - Senior director Growth and transition capital at BDC
Nicholas Drake

Directeur principal

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Kyle Duignan - Senior director, growth and transition capital at BDC
Kyle Duignan

Directeur principal

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Mark Meloche, Director of Growth & Transition Capital
Mark Meloche


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Colombie-Britannique - Technologie

Matt Price
Matt Price

Directeur général

Voir le profil
Randeep Janjua - Director, growth and transition capital at BDC
Randeep Janjua


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Bruce Townson - Director, Growth and Transition Capital at BDC
Bruce Townson


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Tabreez Lila - Managing director, growth and transition capital at BDC
Tabreez Lila

Directeur général

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Brett Weese - Senior director, growth and transition capital at BDC
Brett Weese

Directeur principal

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Benito Chiodo - Director Growth and Transition Capital at BDC
Benito Chiodo


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Rachel Chong


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Manish Kotwani, Growth & Transition Capital at BDC
Manish Kotwani


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James Robertson - Director, growth and transition capital at BDC
James Robertson


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Brenda Slauko - Manager, technology industry at BDC
Brenda Slauko

Directrice principale

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Région du grand Toronto

Michele Cooper - Manager director, growth and transition capital at BDC
Michele Cooper

Directrice générale

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Angelo Zeni - Managing Director Growth and Transition Capital at BDC
Angelo Zeni

Directeur général

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default woman illustration
Grace Bartz


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Rima Bassi - Director, growth and transition capital at BDC
Rima Bassi


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Rob Dennison - Director, growth and transition capital at BDC
Robert Dennison

Directeur principal

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Kyle Feucht - Senior director, growth and transition capital at BDC
Kyle Feucht

Directeur principal

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Jerome Hamilton - Director, growth and transition capital at BDC
Jerome Hamilton


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Enes Kula - Senior director, growth and transition capital at BDC
Enes Kula

Directeur principal

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Simon Mills - Director, growth and transition capital at BDC
Simon Mills


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Marc O'Connor - Director, growth and transition capital at BDC
Mark O'Connor


Conor Snape - Director, Growth & Transition Capital at BDC
Conor Snape


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Dave Taylor - Director, growth and transition capital at BDC
Dave Taylor


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Sud de l’Ontario

Scott Lewis - Managing director, growth and transition capital at BDC
Scott Lewis

Directeur général

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Carolyn Galbraith - Director, Growth & Transition Capital at BDC
Carolyn Galbraith

Directeur principal

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Marvin Junop - Senior director, growth and transition capital at BDC
Marvin Junop

Directeur principal

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Mark Lunick - Senior director, growth and transition capital at BDC
Mark Lunick

Directeur principal

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Duncan Robinson - Director, growth and transition capital at BDC
Duncan Robinson

Directeur principal

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Martin Dudaniec - Director, growth and transition capital at BDC
Martin Dudaniec


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Sean Crouse - Director, growth and transition capital at BDC
Sean Crouse


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Ottawa Ouest, l'Est et le Nord de l’Ontario

Trevor Allibon
Trevor Allibon

Directeur général

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Mike Blattman - Senior director, growth and transition capital at BDC
Mike Blattman

Directeur principal

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Robert Shaw - Senior director, growth and transition capital at BDC
Robert Shaw

Directeur principal

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Christina Howard - Director, Growth & Transition Capital at BDC
Christina Howard


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Portrait of BDC employee Olga Kalatcheva
Olga Kalatcheva


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Grand Montréal, Rive-Nord, Rive-Sud – Technologie

Jean Philippe Poissant
Jean-Philippe Poissant

Directeur général

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Jean-Pierre Vezeau, employee BDC
Jean-Pierre Vézeau


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Alexandre Leclerc
Alexandre Leclerc


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Rita Kasparian
Rita Kasparian


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Grand Montréal, Rive-Nord, Rive-Sud

Mathieu Rinaldi, employee BDC
Mathieu Rinaldi

Directeur général

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Isabelle Dionne, employee BDC
Isabelle Dionne

Directrice principale

Voir le profil
Mark Ohannessian - Director, growth and transition capital at BDC
Mark Ohannessian


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Jonathan English-Horth, employee BDC
Jonathan English-Horth


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Marc-Olivier Bisson, employee BDC
Marc-Olivier Bisson


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Est et centre du Québec – Technologie

Charles Blouin, employee BDC
Charles Blouin

Directeur général

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Pascal Dion, employee BDC
Pascal Dion


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Pierre-Olivier Marcoux
Pierre-Olivier Marcoux


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Est et centre du Québec

Charles Blouin, employee BDC
Charles Blouin

Directeur général

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Marie-Josie Tremblay, employee BDC
Marie-Josée Tremblay


Voir le profil
Eric Girard, employee BDC
Éric Girard

Directeur principal

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Guillaume Parent, employee BDC
Guillaume Parent


Voir le profil


Sean Crouse - Director, growth and transition capital at BDC
Sean Crouse


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Kirk Cornell - Director, growth and transition capital at BDC
Kirk Cornell


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Paul Ryan - Director, growth and transition capital at BDC
Paul Ryan

Directeur principal

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Brian Whiteway - Senior director, growth and transition capital at BDC
Brian Whiteway

Directeur principal

Voir le profil
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