3 easy steps to your best logo and branding strategy

2-minute read

If you’re like many entrepreneurs, branding and marketing is a challenge for your business.

A marketing plan is often put together at the last minute—if at all.

However, an effective branding strategy is within your grasp. Here are 3 steps to market your business and get those products flying off the shelves.

1. Develop a marketing and branding plan

The right strategy depends on the size of your business and your place in the market.

Start by evaluating your company to determine your strengths, weaknesses and how you stand out in the market. Do you offer more reliable service, efficiency, friendlier service, greater dependability? What makes you unique?

2. Create your logo and brand

Use your strategy to develop a logo and brand for your business.

A logo is an image that identifies your business in an unforgettable and appealing way. It’s best to keep it simple and contemporary.

Your brand is much broader. It tells your customers what you offer and how you’re different.

It encompasses everything from your marketing messages to the look of your website, your commercial name and symbols, your social media posts and the design of any brick-and-mortar outlets you may have.

A brand can be associated with a product class. For example, thinking of soft drinks may bring to mind Coca-Cola.

Or it can be associated with specific attributes. For example, Crest toothpaste is associated with prevention of tooth decay.

Other common branding strategies include:

  1. Establishing your brand as an industry leader
  2. Owning a word in the consumer’s mind. For example: Kleenex for tissues.
  3. Focusing on certain attributes or characteristics
  4. Emphasizing a negative to make your point. For example: “With a name like Smucker’s, it has got to be good.”

3. Get your message out there

Once you’ve developed your logo and brand, think creatively about how you can get your message out to potential customers.

Be sure your branding is present at each of your contact points with potential customers.

Create high brand recognition by promoting your brand in your industry, through public relations, online marketing, media events and special promotions.

Also, devote enough resources to your marketing efforts. Many businesses fail to do so, then wonder why their branding never took hold.

Your message should be simple and consistent across all of your marketing channels (online and physical).

Also reach out with your message regularly. Maintain frequent contacts to constantly “remind” customers and prospects of your unique features and attributes.

Finally, keep track of changes in customer needs, adjusting your branding and overall marketing strategy as needed.

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