Trade uncertainty: Explore resources and tools for your business.

Trade uncertainty: Explore resources and tools for your business.

Other governance documents

Code of Conduct and Ethics

Chairperson of the Board

Position description

Describes the main responsibilities of the Chairperson, which include:

  • Managing the Board of Directors
  • Advising the President and CEO
  • Acting as BDC's official spokesperson with the Minister

Read description

Selection criteria

Read criteria

Mandate of the President and Chief Executive Officer 

Outlines the main duties of the President and CEO, which include directing and managing business and internal affairs, while always keeping in mind BDC's public mandate.

Board of Directors Profile

Describes the main responsibilities of the Board of directors.

Director Orientation and Continuing Education Policy

Aims to ensure that Board members have the knowledge base required to fulfill their obligations according to best governance practices.

Travel and hospitality expenses

In the interests of good governance and transparency and in accordance with Government of Canada guidelines and BDC's Business Policy, we choose to disclose, through our website, the travel and hospitality expenses for senior executives and members of the Board of Directors. Expenses are reported monthly and are reflected in the period during which they are reported in our financial records. Information that would normally be withheld under the Access to Information Act or the Privacy Act does not appear in this section.

Summary of travel and hospitality expenses

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