What is it?
This tool will help you
Ask the right questions
Use the suggested questions as a starting point and adapt them to the position you're looking to fill.
Evaluate candidate responses
Use a 5-point scale to evaluate their answers.
Avoid asking discriminatory questions
See examples of the types of questions you should not ask under the Canadian Human Rights Act and applicable provincial legislation.
Who is it for?
HR Managers
Find questions that might be relevant for your next candidate interviews.
Discover tips on how to ask candidates the right questions, or how to support your HR manager in this process.
Explore more
![Job description template](/globalassets/digizuite/47009-xl-gated-job-description-template-en.png?mediaformatid=50097&v=4ada96)
![Illustration of a red toolkit with the text dei toolkit](/globalassets/digizuite/43454-xl-gated-dei-toolkit-en.png?mediaformatid=50097&v=4adc0b)
![Illustration of a paper document in bright colors with text Bereavement leave policy template](/globalassets/digizuite/43283-xl-gated-bereavement-leave-policy-template-en.png?mediaformatid=50097&v=4ade8e)
We allow you to use these templates only as part of your business activities, but we do not guarantee that they fit your needs. Unfortunately, we do not offer any assistance. You are responsible for the content of the documents you create using these templates. We are not responsible for the value or accuracy of these documents, nor for the damages resulting from their use. If you do not agree with what you just read, do not use the templates.