Trade uncertainty: Explore resources and tools for your business.

Trade uncertainty: Explore resources and tools for your business.

What is it?

This template provides tips and suggested questions to help you interview job candidates.

This tool will help you

  • Ask the right questions

    Use the suggested questions as a starting point and adapt them to the position you're looking to fill.

  • Evaluate candidate responses

    Use a 5-point scale to evaluate their answers.

  • Avoid asking discriminatory questions

    See examples of the types of questions you should not ask under the Canadian Human Rights Act and applicable provincial legislation.







Who is it for?

HR Managers

Find questions that might be relevant for your next candidate interviews.


Discover tips on how to ask candidates the right questions, or how to support your HR manager in this process.

Fill in the form to get your tool.
It’s 100% free.


Explore more

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