Trade uncertainty: Explore resources and tools for your business.

Trade uncertainty: Explore resources and tools for your business.

What is it?

This template provides tips and a suggested framework for writing job descriptions that will attract and retain candidates.

This tool will help you

  • Set clear expectations

    Follow the procedure to help you accurately capture the realities of each role in your business.

  • Increase employee satisfaction

    Include the important elements to ensure your job descriptions highlight growth opportunities for your employees while reducing conflicts and inefficiencies.

  • Attract qualified candidates

    Use the framework to draft job descriptions that inspire accurate and interesting job postings.







Who is it for?

HR Managers

Understand the important elements to include in your job descriptions and postings.


Discover tips on how to gather the right information to write accurate job descriptions that attract and retain employees.

Fill in the form to get your tool.
It’s 100% free.


Explore more

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