Trade uncertainty: Explore resources and tools for your business.

Trade uncertainty: Explore resources and tools for your business.

Make sure you are using your BDC email address ( to log in.

Please note that your BDC address is accessible only for the duration of your partnership with BDC.

Should you have an issue with your password at any time, the Systems and Technology help desk is available and trained to handle this type of problem. The number to call is 1‑844‑834‑4225.

There are two (2) templates on the extranet: PowerPoint, Word.

Your project launch template is located on your team site (0365).

Promptly notify the client and schedule a new meeting date. Should the period of notice be less than 2 days, inform the project manager via O365 or by phone.

When we add you to the network it is with the best of intentions of assigning you to projects as soon as we can. While we try to balance our supply of consultants with the demand in the market and spread out assignments to ensure everyone has some activity, the timing of projects can be quite unpredictable. Contact the Consultant Network to follow up on your situation.

Your project expense budget if applicable is included in the email contract we sent you. You will find a reference tool on the extranet clearly explaining the business rules concerning travel.

However, if this document does not answer all of your questions, please feel free to contact your Project Lead for more information.

The BDC Code of Conduct, Ethics and Values is located on the extranet. If you are dealing with a particular situation that involves a client, please do not hesitate to contact your Project Lead to inform him or her.

While we greatly appreciate your contribution, BDC does not allow consultants to use its name or logo for personal purposes, as stipulated in clause 9 of the framework agreement. However, with the prior agreement of the Consultant Network, some leeway may be granted to the effect that BDC may be mentioned in a list of clients.
Example: Clients: Company X, Company Y, BDC, etc.

You have an obligation to pass on any opportunities mentioned directly or indirectly to your Project Lead. As stated in article 19 of the Master Agreement, BDC retains the right of first refusal on any recommendations or new business opportunities stemming from these contracts. Both the Master Agreement (article 20) and the BDC client contract (article 4.16) have a non-solicitation clause that forbids either party from directly or indirectly soliciting any person employed or presented by the other party for six (6) and twelve (12) months.

As soon as you feel that it will be impossible to meet the deadline for the mandate, advise your Project Lead immediately. The situation will be analyzed and a solution will be proposed.

For cyber‑security reasons, at the moment the only way to access your BDC inbox is via Outlook Web Access.

If any information has changed regarding your address, telephone number, company name, email address, bank details or anything of this nature, it is essential to notify the Consultant Network Management Team at

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